Thursday, January 13, 2005


I finished Galatea 2.2 by Rick Powers, and it was such a beautiful book. It's strange reading books by people I know because I'm curious about how much of the book is autobiographical. This book is written as if it could be an autobiographical story, based on the very little I know about the author. It's an interesting take on science and Artificial Intelligence and literature and academia.

But besides that, this book is beautiful. The language inspires me to become a better writer. I want to jam pack every sentence with powerful descriptions. But who has time? I guess actual novelists have time for things like that! Anyway, I'll quote him:
Because you embodied the world's vulnerable, variable noun-ness. All things ephemeral, articulate, remembering, on their way back to inert. Because you believe and have not yet given up. Because I cannot turn around without telling you what I want to see. Because I could deal even with politics, could live even this desperate disparity, if I could just talk to you each night before sleep. ecause of the way you use two fingers to hold back the hair from your eyes. Those were the words I wanted. Instead I said "Everyone in the world and his bastard half brother loves you."

A few other things to note: I'm broke. The library has movies and music for free. I plan to spend a lot of time there. Yesterday I got The People vs. Larry Flynt and Broadcast News, both of which were very good. The library offers the opportunity to watch all those old movies you always wanted to see but haven't gotten around to. Very cool.