Friday, April 08, 2005

bored with too much to do

Um, somehow I have another presentation to do on Monday. Plus meetings to do go to today and tons of grading that I'm still way behind with. And yet, I just want to watch Firefly and Queer as Folk Season 4. I need a day off.

Last night I presented in my feminist media studies class on the Miracle of Life. I remember seeing this in sex ed class in high school. It was from the Nova episode and a few other pictures that Lennart Nilsson took that pro-lifers started engaging in the debate with pro-choicers about when life begins. It is difficult for pro-lifers to argue that those images don't represent babies (or life). It strikes me that feminists sometimes paint themselves into a corner by arguing strongly for things they cannot prove to a public audience like when life begins. I think abortion really needs to be an option because the material conditions of pregnancy and child rearing really should be a woman's choice.

Anyway, I think I had a lot of good things to say in class last night. So I thought I might share, see what your opinions are on the matter (though I'm not so interested in a debate about whether or not to be pro-choice or pro-life, more on what feminists might be able to do about the shaky position we're in on this issue)