Wednesday, April 20, 2005

last weekend in pictures

I've been meaning to update, but of course, haven't gotten to it. But I wanted to show you some pictures:

flowers, bought for me by Darren, brought to you by me, Sony, & the mom's day flower show

a green file cabinet, bought for me by me for $3.50 at a garage sale

a purple chair, bought for me by me for $10 at a garage sale, already soaked in cat fur

Last but not least, last monday I gave a presentation at Allerton, proposal for it pasted here:

Ethos and the Teaching of Web Design in the Business Writing Course

Scholars of Writing Studies (Klem & Moran, LeCourt) have discussed the ways that teaching in a computer classroom affects the relationship between teacher and students. The space of the classroom changes, and the computer becomes another participant in the class, forcing the teacher to reconsider issues of ethos in the new space. Additionally, scholars (Burbules) have discussed the importance of teaching changing technologies in the business writing classroom because as students are entering the work world, they will continually face the affects of rapid technological changes in their writing. Taking these issues into consideration, I have been teaching web design in the business writing classroom for the past two years. This presentation will focus on my findings that students learning web design often feel they are gaining an important work skill that they probably will not learn in another class, and thus the technology changes students’ investment in the business writing course.

And finally, my proposal got accepted to Feminism(s) & Rhetorics(s), the conference for which the inspiration for my blog name has come from. I'll give you more info on that presentation later. I am working on different versions of the paper that I will turn into that presentation for two of my classes this semester. The presentation is entitled "Digital Health and Feminist (Re)visionings of Healing".

Friday, April 08, 2005

bored with too much to do

Um, somehow I have another presentation to do on Monday. Plus meetings to do go to today and tons of grading that I'm still way behind with. And yet, I just want to watch Firefly and Queer as Folk Season 4. I need a day off.

Last night I presented in my feminist media studies class on the Miracle of Life. I remember seeing this in sex ed class in high school. It was from the Nova episode and a few other pictures that Lennart Nilsson took that pro-lifers started engaging in the debate with pro-choicers about when life begins. It is difficult for pro-lifers to argue that those images don't represent babies (or life). It strikes me that feminists sometimes paint themselves into a corner by arguing strongly for things they cannot prove to a public audience like when life begins. I think abortion really needs to be an option because the material conditions of pregnancy and child rearing really should be a woman's choice.

Anyway, I think I had a lot of good things to say in class last night. So I thought I might share, see what your opinions are on the matter (though I'm not so interested in a debate about whether or not to be pro-choice or pro-life, more on what feminists might be able to do about the shaky position we're in on this issue)

Friday, April 01, 2005

feeling so proud!

I can't tell you how truly excited I am about the work I'm doing this semester. I love my classes, even though they frustrate me sometimes, but overall, I really love them because I am learning a lot and thinking of things I find really interesting to write about.

And I love my students, again, they can be frustrating, but at this point, they finally seem to be getting it. I have piles of their work I can't wait to read (shouldn't grading always be like this?!?)

And I love my administration job because we are developing context-specific materials to teach our business communication course and that kind of work is thrilling to me. And I think these are very positive changes that I'm so excited to be a part of.

There are actually a lot of things I love right now: spring, my house, spending time with my cats, the idea that the farmers market will be open in 6 weeks, doing yoga every morning, spending time with my boyfriend, Passover, work, family, friends. Really just about everything but politics. Nice.