Monday, May 02, 2005


I haven't blogged since April. So long ago...

This month just slipped by. It's been good overall.

I did a presentation on Thursday of my web installation that I'm working on for my feminist media studies class. The class loved it. My professor loved it. Even though I'm so busy right now, I'm still finding time to do work that I can find interesting and can be proud of. It's good to be a graduate student and be passionate about what you're working on, because you spend so much time with it, and when people love it you can appreciate that it's something cool that scholarship can achieve. You also risk kind of hard core rejection, but risks make the work seem more valuable. And when I work on stuff I only believe in half-heartedly, it just feels like going through the motions.

Today CCCC proposal is due. All these conferences! I'm hoping to get accepted this year since I haven't yet, but we'll see. No high expectations. I'm writing on Health Literacy this time around.